PositiveSingles.com is the largest HIV dating community. But can you really meet HIV positive men and women on PositiveSingles.com or is it just a scam? Check out our PositiveSingles.com review!
Today our review team look at an online dating site that specialises in matching up singles with HIV, in order to remove one conversation from the list of awkward chats you can have as part of the dating process!
Online dating is becoming more niche focused, and this is generally seen as a good thing for many reasons. Yet, its difficult to think of a better reason for narrowing down a pool of similar singles than those of health and lifestyle. HIV.Dating focuses on people with HIV because the ability to be put together with others who have the condition quite simply removes the difficulty in telling someone that you have HIV, whilst generally ensuring a smoother route to the long-term relationship you're hoping for by pairing people together who can discuss commonalities in their lives.
The concept here is simple – if you have HIV you've already been in situations where you aren't sure when or where to bring up this fact. Is it on your first date? During the Second date? Wedding night?!! And what about all that worry relating to how people will react or judge this disclosure? There is still a stigma around this condition and as unfortunate as this is, it means a site like HIV.Dating can provide a valuable service that removes all of the above and more issues. If you're on the site then you're surrounded by singles effected by HIV, just like you. They know how HIV impacts upon your life and they understand your situation in relation to romance better than anybody. There's no need to worry about how you will tell someone you have HIV because you don't have to on this dating site, the very fact you're a member has already taken care of that for you, letting you focus on what's important. You can enjoy the dating process in the same way as everyone else, without having to worry about how HIV might change things.
The HIV Dating site caters for a specific niche of course, but our online HIV dating reviews team felt that it is still extremely vibrant and active. The site enjoys a similar male to female ratio, unlike most dating sites where the existence of female singles is few and far between. Moreover, HIV.Dating can be used on any device at all, meaning you can check messages, browse singles with HIV and chat with HIV positive singles whenever convenient, at home or on the move.
The good thing about the sign up process is that it's super quick and easy. Our review team noticed that the sign up also includes the option for single people with AIDS to join and find dates. The free trial itself is excellent, allowing you to 'try before you buy' and make sure there are singles nearby. Knowing there are singles in your local area is half the battle on any online dating site, and it's no different for HIV positive and AIDS singles looking for love.
To sum up then, if you've been affected by HIV and would like to use an online dating site where every person you meet with understands the lifestyle impact of the condition, then HIV.Dating is an excellent option. This is an area of internet romance that isn't too developed, but this site aims to be a flagship brand within the niche and we see no reason why it won't succeed.
Remember, if you're looking for love online you will improve your chances with every membership you sign up to. The best way to succeed is to try different dating sites and reach as many people as you can. Good luck!
PositiveSingles.com is the largest HIV dating community. But can you really meet HIV positive men and women on PositiveSingles.com or is it just a scam? Check out our PositiveSingles.com review!