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Affair dating

Does really work?

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The internet is a marvellous thing but let's face it, it's power isn't always used for wholesome purposes. For every virtual Cupid's arrow that brings love, there is someone sneakily trying to arrange an illicit affair online. When it comes to finding cheating partners, there is one market leader - a site as notorious as any mainstream online dating site.

Our Ashley Madison Review was set up in 2002, making it the original affairs website. It boasts almost 50m members globally, some achievement for a site that explicitly helps its subscribers carry out infidelity and, if we may get a little deep for a moment, quite a statement about where we are as a society today. But demand creates supply and in a world where nothing surprises us anymore, it's no shock that married dating is more popular than ever. To say we were excited about doing this Ashley Madison review would be an understatement!

Like people, companies have a past and the experience that comes with making mistakes can help improve the future. We have created this review on to be objective, disregarding the press coverage this site has gained over a decade and a half. This controversial organisation has never shied away from the media (and the media doesn't shy from them), but for the ultra-sceptical, rest assured that before we started we did a little test. We set up an account with no image or profile info and left the it a few nights. When we logged back in, we were pleased to find that our profile had no views or messages from women – this realistic outcome removed any worries about an Ashley Madison scam. As we hoped, this site is very much on its best behaviour nowadays and that's what makes it an intriguing prospect for finding affairs online.

In terms of access, the site offers a desktop version as well as mobile site /apps for Android and iOS. The sign up process is quick and leads to one of the most stylish interfaces in online dating. The site bombards us with messages about discretion, making it clear that it takes privacy very seriously, as you would hope when dealing with a site that helps men and women find affairs.

See the top 5

Is Ashley Madison Free To Use?

There is a credit system in place rather than the typical cash-only subscription model like you will find on or You pay a set amount in exchange for credits. Five credits are required to initiate contact with a member but you can continue chatting for no additional credits. Advanced searches can be performed without credits and members' profiles/ pics can also be viewed without upgrading, which is nice!

Again, discretion is key to the messaging here, as spending money means leaving tracks. The required secrecy of such purchases isn't missed by Ashley Madison and they are quick to alleviate any fears about using our credit card.

In terms of functionality we loved the Travelling Man feature, which is accessed via a tab in the main navigation. This allows you to send a blanket message to a number of women in your destination at once, rather than taking the time (and spending lots of credits) to contact women on an individual basis. Time is short when you are away on business and before you leave you're super busy, so this is a really nice and unique option. Other than that, this isn't a site that over-complicates things. It's aim is to help you find a bit on the side and it doesn't interrupt your search for a 'side-dish' with too much content or complex features. It's straight to the point and that's something we like.

Conlusion: Is Ashley Madison Worth The Price?

Overall, it's safe to say that an Ashley Madison review was something we were keen to do, as the site has changed so much in the face of extreme scrutiny in recent months. We're pleased that there were no sign of any tricks or scams and we enjoy the irony that the most controversial dating site on the planet is now also one of the most professional. For those of you looking for an affair online, we have no problem recommending having a membership on this site.  As always, we would suggest boosting your chances with two or three site memberships, but when it comes to internet cheating, these guys are the first place you should start.

As always we recommend that you add your profile to multiple affair websites in order to vastly increase your chances of getting lucky. Feel free to check out at least two or three affair websites in our affair category as a starting point.

Other sites in the same category reviews:

  • 2021-08-02 14:39:15, Dan (Man, 68)

    Complete waste of time & money


    I joined, paid the fee, and started sending messages out. No responses. Because all the women on there are Ashley Madison made-up profiles. I keep getting messages (daily) from AM recommending members I already contacted and received no responses from, and members way out of my location and age preferences. Don't waste your money here.

  • 2020-09-08 11:51:40, Anonymous (Man, ?)

    Works for me


    Been using it for several weeks now. It's fun!

  • 2019-08-12 03:49:08, Karen (Woman, 45)

    Frustrated and lonely wife


    I joined AM a couple months ago, and was bombarded with messages from so many men, it was frankly overwhelming! I had never had an affair, been with my husband for 22 years (dating, married combined), but the past 5 years have been a progressive decline due to his lack of acknowledgement of his severe ADHD, refusal to work on managing/treating it, toxic Passive-aggressive behaviors, etc. I have seriously considered divorce, but have my reasons why I haven't. But I still craved validation, excitement, adoration and passionate sex! Well, I sifted through the littany of messages, communicated back with a few, ended up arranging a meeting with one of them, and he is an incredible guy, so sweet, handsome, attentive, and I am finally feeling energized and look forward to our next meeting. We communicate via Kik or private email, no cell numbers, and have started sharing details of our lives, and desires that we've never been able to express with our SO's. I'm just worried that I will fall too hard for him, but we are both in agreement that we want something longer term on the side. So as long as we are enjoying one another, we will continue our "secret fling"

  • 2019-08-01 04:24:05, joe (Man, 62)



    Been on this site off and on for over 12 years...Meet same great women. Actually carried on with 5 different ones... all lasted for varying amounts of time. You just have to be patient, a lot of fakes, etc. Just be yourself, don't spend credits unless you sense it is genuine. have fun.

  • 2018-01-29 12:19:25, Mr Lover (Man, 42)

    Stumped up the spondoolies, where are the birds?


    It only costs a few quid but still IMHO when u pay for sex u should get it. That's how the pros work so it should be the same with this. Not got lucky once yet.

  • 2018-01-22 15:00:36, S.D. (Man, 41)

    Signed up, paid, still waiting for sex


    Heard a lot about am so decided to give it a shot. Very keen to meet hot bored housewifes in cardiff. So far nothing much has happened. I had a kinky chat with a woman last night but then it turned out she was in Belfast, not exactly close enough to arrange a discreet shag. I'll keep trying but must say I expected better from the so called number 1 affairs site :-(

  • 2018-01-12 02:00:54, S.D. (Man, 40)

    Signed up, paid, still waiting for sex


    Heard a lot about am so decided to give it a shot. Very keen to meet hot bored housewifes in cardiff. So far nothing much has happened. I had a kinky chat with a woman last night but then it turned out she was in Belfast, not exactly close enough to arrange a discreet shag. I'll keep trying but must say I expected better from the so called number 1 affairs site :-(

  • 2018-01-10 09:30:56, BEN (Man, 51)

    What I think of Ashley Madison


    Gotta be honest here – I think I preferred it before all the big changes. It's lost a lot of its focus now, for me. As a married man (disabled wife) I should be perfect for this site but it's just not happening. Wont be back.

  • 2017-12-05 04:56:26, David (Man, 76)

    Not for me


    AM says that it is useful for those seeking polyamoristic relationships, but a search for my area did not turn up any possibilities. Maybe not their fault. However, within minutes of posting a profile, I got a flood of messages from 'women' 1/3 my age who wanted to give me 'gifts' - pictures of cherries, very useful if you didn't know what a cherry looks like. 'Michaela' followed by a number is a popular name for these individuals - apparently the site has so many Michaelas it has to give them numbers. If you believe these are real women, I've got a tax cut I want to sell you.

  • 2017-11-29 06:41:40, Her2017 (Woman, 45)

    Regret (Wish I’d never joined)


    Started on this site 2 years ago a friend got me started. Most of these men are douche bags!! They just wanna bang you!! send dirty pics, It’s a community std pool! Some of the men are worse then women. DRAMA! Play with women’s emotions. STAY AWAY ITS A JOKE!

  • 2017-09-30 10:01:11, Mike (Man, 58)



    Since the first moment I opened my profile I have been overwhelmed with 20 somethings, all that look like supermodels that say the same thing Just in a different order. The same lines over and over. And I'm sure these are all real people LOL. I'm 51, really. They should change the name to Bot Madison Or it's BS Madison. Don't waists your. Only or time

  • 2017-09-23 03:34:03, Jess (Man, 24)

    Site has changed


    I had be a long time user of the site for a long time. When I first started using it a number of years ago I have some positive experiences. However, the site has changed. It has become a place for women to sell their "services." This is a far cry from its original intent. I'm sure there are still women that are looking for an affair.

  • 2017-08-25 13:08:11, Scout63 (Man, 60)

    Do Not Waste your time or MONEY


    Waste of time and money, if you have a lot of money to waste then you might want to go here not sure but buying credits for everything you can blow through $100 bucks in a few minutes if you send out 7 messages then you have to buy more credits... If you got the money then go for it but if not move on to a better place

  • 2017-05-26 01:53:22, Rob (Man, 46)



    Pure love this site, got married and had kids wayyyyy to soon. This gives me something to look forward to after work and also weirdly is probably saving my marriage cos im not bored/ arguing all the time and im also not going outside to pull random birds and getting into trouble. This is a good way to do it, slow at times but when you do get your rocks off you feel like the govnor! Talk about having your cake and eating it, good times lads!

  • 2017-05-19 16:02:02, Kevin/Male/NY (Man, 51)



    You here a lot of crap about AM from people but most of them aint ever tried it. Or if they have they didnt give it a proper try. This cheating stuff takes time and patience, baby. You think you can screw around freely without takin any precausions? Come on man. Grow up. Put the effort in and you'll get there. It's worth it in the end.

  • 2017-05-18 00:57:49, Anon (Man, 49)

    Ashley Madison Subscriber


    Let's face it, if you're serious about finding extra marital sex then this is where you go. It has the rep, it has the members and it has all the functionality. It's more discreet these days than it ever was before thanks to recent developments. Some of my mates that are in relationships try to pull birds on twitter and snapchat, but thats because they're just getting off on the IDEA of cheating and sleeping with someone else. If you want to go past that and actually start a REAL affair then you go to this site. It's as simple as that. Anon

  • 2017-05-08 16:58:53, Married But Not Happy (Man, 48)



    Overall I'd say Ashley madison is still the best site for finding an affair. There is more variety these days, used to be if you were looking for naughty fun online (and maybe offline) then this was the only option. Now there are other sites but ive tried a few as ive never been 100% satisfied here but im realising now that 100% satisfaction is impossible. This site occasionally works and it wont get you busted with the wife, so that's good enough for me. Six out of ten.

  • 2017-05-04 01:50:23, L.L.C.T. (Man, 47)

    This site is aiiight!


    It aint like I be getting laid every night or nuthin like that. But it aint all quiet neither you know. Had a couple of meets with some fine ass honeys and as long as that shit keeps up ill take it, mos def.

  • 2017-04-26 16:10:42, Married Man (Man, 51)

    Married Man Review of Ashley Madison Website


    I've been using this site for years, through good times and bad. When it delivers there's nothing like it. All the messages, searches, chats that lead nowhere, chats that dont go as far as you want, etc it all becomes worth it. I've hooked up with a few married women, not as many as id like, but overall its worth it as it's safer than trying to get some fun with randoms who could know your wife or someone else connected to you. Just too risky and doesnt make sense when you have sites like this where you can be totally anonymous and the women have as much to lose as you.

  • 2017-04-22 01:11:27, Brian Preston (Man, 51)




  • 2017-04-09 06:50:55, Simon T. (Man, ?)

    Would have been moaning but got laid last weekend so it's a glowing review lol


    Was totally ready to pack this in but a couple of weeks ago I got chatting to a girl who was hot as anything, wee stunner and had amazing chat. For once I got a reply fast and we were texting back an fourth, getting hot n heavy if you know what a mean! Then thursday she says the hubbie is away on some training day for the bank he works at. Tells me we cant go to hers as its not respectabel or something so we get a room at the travellodge and the rest is history. And by history I mean my baws got drained lol! Not heard from her since but not really been on the site for a couple of days, keeping a low profile. But least I finally know it works!! Happy days :-)

  • 2017-03-13 05:08:56, Scott (Man, 59)



    I've given this a damn good try but not hit the jackpot yet. The good thing is there are real women to chat to and some of them are even dirtier than me (and that's saying something lol). Some of the conversations get heated for sure! But ive not many any girls yet and it's been almost a month. If I was in a city it would be easier probably. Might give it one more month and see what happens.

  • 2017-03-04 03:06:18, Anonymous (Man, 51)



    good site. lot of chicks to talk too. some time wasters also but you can spot them a mile of. easy to use and u feel safe and dont have to give ur real name or anything like that. no complaning from me wife suspects nothing.

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