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Dating - it really sucks to be single. But is this a good dating site or just another scam?


ItSucksToBeSingle is an online dating site that's gone under our radar until this point, but having grabbed our attention in recent weeks it now merits our full review treatment...

How Does ItSucksToBeSingle Work? Check Out Our Review!

We've had a few requests recently regarding and so felt it was time to take a sneaky peak at one of the new kids on the block. The content and guidance on the main page doesn't beat around the bush – it makes it clear than being as fas as this site is concerned, being single is not fun or admirable, but “sucks”! On the other hand, it explains how important meeting someone special to have a relationship with can be, and that entering into such a loving relationship quite simply “rocks”!

Signing up is short, simple and quick. You receive an email verification to make sure you are who you say you are, pretty typical practice for online dating sites as it helps to cut down on the scam registrations that are such a nuisance for the industry in general. By verifying your email you're awarded more freedom on the site, as verified members get to perform more actions - even during the free trial. You're also asked to complete some basic profile information during the sign up process, which doesn't take long at all. Let's be honest folks, if you aren't willing to put in the effort it takes to write at least a few words about yourself, then you're going to struggle to get other members to take you seriously! Prompting us to do this at this time instantly provides a better chance of receiving messages or replies from the moment you start (for example, it's been said that adding a photo to your profile increases your chance of interaction by as much as ten times). Again, there's the incentive of additional access to features for doing these things, all of which anyone looking for love on an online dating site should be doing anyway! Let's Take A Deeper Look

The members area itself isn't mind blowing by any means, but it's nevertheless fairly sleek and well designed. The site works extremely well on the several devices we tested it on: both desktop & mobile versions. Most importantly, there are people to chat with here – and lots of them!

There's plenty going on to keep us occupied, with busy site polls to take part in, blogs (many that have been written by members) to read and most importantly of course, a simple search functionality that let's you begin your quest to find local singles in your area. Despite all this activity, moving around the site is easy thanks to the main navigation bar which has been kept minimalistic with simple icons that give you a choice to return back to the home page, run a search, check your messages, etc.

It's important to make it clear in this review of ItSucksToBeSingle that this site may not be the most beautiful site, nor is it the very cheapest of the cheap. But what it does have going for it makes it worth checking out and at the very least, running some quick local searches on. It's most important asset is by far the members on the site...and by that we mean the fact that there are lots of them. The high number of members make a crowded 'bar' and that means single people to chat with and - if you play your cards right - to go on dates with.

Our Conlcusion: Is ItSucksTobeSingle Worth It?

We like the buzz the site has, the activity going on with polls and user interaction makes it feel vibrant and almost social media like. It may be a relatively new site on the dating scene, but it's modern, fun and already popular. Whether you're starting out with online dating or you've already been around the block and need something that's a different (but still effective), we're sure you'll be pleased to have tried this site to find a relationship. After all, it does suck to be single!

As always with our reviews, we highly recommend trying two or three dating site subscriptions at a time to give yourself a far better chance of setting up real dates and allow you to get a feel for the site combinations that work best for you. There are a lot of sites out there, so investing a little bit more to try different dating sites is always worthwhile, as long as you remember to cancel the ones that haven't got you anywhere after a couple of months of effort!

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  • 2018-06-16 17:25:43, D.G. (Man, 41)



    not good enough im afraid, better options on the list to try. Stay away!

  • 2018-03-22 01:19:17, Kelly (Man, 40)

    Not to bad actually


    Looks a bit strange but had heard its really good from my cousin (turns out shes been using online dating for years to meet people, who knew? Anyway she met her current squeeze on it sucks to be single). Signed up and it's a pretty standard dating site really, lots of people to talk to and some awesome peeps to meet. Cheap as chips so ill be sticking with it, see what it brings. Kelly x

  • 2018-02-23 04:16:55, Mr Lover (Man, 41)

    Doesnt work for me


    Find this site a bit naff and over americanised. I'm looking for a different kettle of fish.

  • 2018-01-13 19:17:55, PMAN (Man, 27)

    Just Awful


    Tried it out, the whole user interface is just awful and there's NO WAY TO DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT UNLESS YOU WRITE TO THEM VIA LETTER OR BY LONG DISTANCE

  • 2017-07-02 17:33:27, QueenCatherine (Woman, 56)

    Excellent 9.5 / 10


    Really love this site. I had read a few great reviews on another reviews site and had to try it. It has not disappointed. Well worth giving a bash if you've not already.

  • 2017-07-02 17:28:02, Jessica (Man, 45)

    Don't get it :-(


    Cant say im that impressed. Lots of people on the site but ive not had half as many replies as messages ive sent out. Will give it another month max before I move on, dont stay on these sites for more than 3 months thats my advice.

  • 2017-05-14 11:57:50, David K (Man, 48)



    This website may not be perfect but it's still a damn sight better than some of the crappy dating services out there. And dont even get me started on the offline matchmakers. I'd much rather pay a few bucks a month to be able to flick through profiles at my leisure and chat to potential dates in my free time than fork out mega bucks for someone to ask me a million questions and then try to match me up on my behalf. Hell no, with online dating the power (and the choice) is in your hands and that's just how I like it

  • 2017-04-15 12:21:35, David (Man, 52)

    Nice new (?) option


    Am pretty sure this is a new site cos I only just notised it and ive been doing internet dating since moses was building his arc!!! lol! Its easy to use and ive been chatting up a few ladys so far in the hope of getting some dates. Intrested to see where it takes me...wish me luck lol

  • 2017-04-08 01:24:06, Laura C. (Woman, 50)

    Serious dating done in a non-serious way


    I originally thought that this was an american only site but as an English user ive been surprised by how many people ive managed to get speaking to in the London/ MK area. I like the feel of the site, sometimes the traditional dating sites can be very serious, too serious. It's meant to be fun and ISTBS feels like it wants to help you meet people but it also wants you to remember to stay cool. It's a nice combination and I can see why it's getting such good reviews.

  • 2017-03-12 03:37:01, Mary from Denver (Woman, 29)

    Super site!


    Hadn't heard of ItSucksToBeSingle until my college friend mentioned it last week. Such a cool site! It's nice to try something a bit different instead of always going with the same old match, tinder, etc. Just having a new selection of people to check out and get speaking with makes it worthwhile but I would also recommend it for newbies to the dating scene as it's really simplified. Great stuff!

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