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How does tinder work?

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Significant and simple or shallow and casual? We decided it was high time we put together a review on swipe-tastic online dating app, Tinder.

No matter the industry, every so often a company comes along with an innovation that scares the living daylights out of the competition. As far as online dating is concerned, Tinder was that company. For years other dating sites had copied the Match approach (see review here) of signing up to a dating site, completing lots of information on the type of person you're hoping to meet online along with your likes, dislikes, hobbies, hair colour, body shape and a whole host of other descriptions of attributes and desires. Tinder, however, offered a super-simple 'cut-to-the-chase' alternative, based almost entirely on the concept that a picture says a thousand words.

Our Tinder Review

For some, the idea of judging potential relationship matches based purely on a photo (and the loose option of reading some extremely basic information about the person) is a depressing sign of the these 'instant gratification' times that we live in. For others, the 'swipe right if you like someone and left if you don't' process is a fun, fast and effective way to get through the many thousands of local singles that appear within a short radius of any given area on the map.

See the top 5

Should You Use Tinder?

There's no doubt that it's innovative and easy, taking full advantage of modern touchscreen technology to create a surprisingly addictive, almost gamification-led online dating experience that really can result in something meaningful and serious. At first, Tinder was positioned as a quick app for quick relationships, but there's no doubt that since IAC (the internet powerhouse that owns purchased the brand, it's become a way to look for love in a method that cuts out all the niceties and let's you get talking fast, provided the person you 'like' feels, or should we say swiped, the same way as you.

Swipe To The Left / Swipe To The Right

Aside from the extremely user-friendly 'swipe' mechanism, the rest of the dating app is incredibly easy to use too. Advanced searches are simple to set up with a variety of filters available to fit your needs. Sending messages is easy once you've 'matched' and push-notifications make sure you can remain up-to-date on new matches and incoming communications.

See the top 5

Is Tinder For Free? 

Getting down to brass tacks, Tinder is free to download and use extensively. In fact, upgrading only gives negligible benefits; the ability to 'super like' more than one person per day and the option to search users in different geographical areas than the one you currently inhabit.

The greatest benefit of Tinder though, despite all of the above, is the size of the membership database. A dating site can be as intuitive and well-designed as you like, but if the 'bar' is empty, nobody is going to stick around no matter how nice the beer is. Tinder's bar is full, with new profiles being added all the time, and this popularity is a key factor in it being considered one of the top online dating apps available.

Our Conlusion: Is Tinder Worth A Try?

Whether you believe a Tinder initiated relationship can last as long as one set up on a 'proper' dating site, with all the self-endorsement and soul searching that comes on the typical dating sites rather than time saving dating apps, the decision is yours to make. But nobody can dispute the value in a company coming along and making people's single lives easier by providing a popular, more enjoyable alternative. Is Tinder worth a try? Absolutely. It's now up there with Match as a great online dating starting point. Is it the answer to your search for love? Maybe not. But when a dating service is as free and popular as this, it really won't help your love-life to indulge in online dating snobbery!

As always, we whole-heartedly suggest you increase your chances of finding true love by using more than one online dating provider. There are so many great sites out there, it simply doesn't make sense to limit yourself to one. Do your research, sign up to the sites and remember that the key to finding love online is to be patient, open-minded and understand that like so many things in life, you reap what you sow. Have fun!

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  • 2018-10-02 17:18:55, Sean (Man, 34)

    Cant decide if its magic or tragic lol


    Its great that tinder raised the bar for the online dating scene as it was getting a bit boring. Thing is I go from thinking its the best thing ever to thinking is totally shallow! Still dont know where I stand on it...but saying that I use it almost every day so obviously cant be that against it!!

  • 2018-03-13 04:07:15, Dave Shave (Man, 34)

    Up and running now


    Seemed to take me a while to start getting matches but ive had a few now. Cant stop searching and swiping, it's actually a bit addictive! Some really nice girls out there and the whole thing couldnt be easier, swiping, super-liking, it's all good fun. And BTW its not just for casual sex, thats certainly not what I use it for.

  • 2018-03-11 16:56:06, Anthony L. (Man, 38)

    Swipey Swipey


    What's not to like? Easy, fast and tonnes of peeps to chat to. Tinder has taken the game to another level and you dont even have to pay!!! Still peeps are complaining! WTF!!!

  • 2018-02-18 18:51:39, Derek Smith (Man, 40)

    Good app, easy to use!!!


    I like Tinder. I've tried it in many cities in the UK and occasionally when ive been traveling for work in Europe and even the States. What never fails to amaze me is that I can sit and literally swipe the day away, constantly swiping left or right and no matter where I am, I never seem to run out of girls to look through. What other dating site or application is that popular and that simple? And for the record im not on it for hook ups and actually read what the women say about themselves before I decide which way to swipe. Derek, Oxford - UK

  • 2018-02-15 04:17:40, TinderMe (Man, 43)

    Full, Fun & Free!


    Im not saying that tinder is the greatest thing since sliced bread but come on, it's hard to moan about something that doesnt cost and is as popular as hell! Ive been on a few dates thanks to the app and even if im not madly in love yet its still a super option to have. And lets face it when your single you need all the help you can get! 9/10

  • 2018-01-29 12:22:31, Marty Jay Lee (Man, 35)

    where is all the chicks?????????????????


    I was expecting lots of horny chicks in my area but instead ive got zilch. Seriously, WTF?!!!

  • 2018-01-12 01:51:22, Steve RED (Man, 39)

    I believe the term is “No brainer”


    Really good dating app. Doesnt get easier than this and you dont have to spend ages doing searches and filling in lots about yourself. Wham bam thank you, mam!

  • 2018-01-07 17:01:00, Steve RED (Man, 37)

    I believe the term is “No brainer”


    Really good dating app. Doesnt get easier than this and you dont have to spend ages doing searches and filling in lots about yourself. Wham bam thank you, mam!

  • 2018-01-06 17:26:23, Studdy (Man, 39)




  • 2017-12-31 18:09:10, Martha K (Woman, 33)

    Met my boyfriend on tinder


    In case your worried its a hook up site its not. I met my man on it and weve been together for 4 months, hes the best thing in ma life.

  • 2017-04-27 17:06:26, Bobby (Man, 50)

    I can see why its popular but its not for me – 2/5 IMHO


    Finally gave this a try last week after getting fed up of hearing about it. I always thought it was more of a casual way to meet people. Must say now that ive used it ive not really changed my mind that much. To many folk just looking for a bit of fun. That said it is very busy and things did seem to get better was when I put “not looking for casual” on my profile. Definitely got better at that point but overall ill stick to paying for my dating as people are more likely to be serious.

  • 2017-04-22 09:02:40, Nicole W. (Woman, 29)



    Downloaded tinder last year and use it a lot. Maybe not as much as I did at first but still check it now and again. Everyone at college is on it, in fact I think anyone who is single in the states is on it lol! Some people are definitely looking for hook ups but its not as bad as it used to be for that, there are a lot of genuine people on it looking for love so it's well worth a try (and its free anyway).

  • 2017-04-20 13:42:25, Isabelle (Woman, 50)

    Better than it used to be


    When I first tried Tinder it was just after it became popular and I was put off by the 'hook up' side of things. Even though im a guy, it doesnt mean im all about the casual stuff – been there, done that and looking for something meaningful these days. Anyway, downloaded it again 2 weeks ago and its a lot better, even set up a date for next Friday so we'll see how that goes! Maybe the match acquisition sorted it out?

  • 2017-03-25 23:27:10, TinderFan (Man, 37)

    Soooooo addictive lol


    I can literally spend hours on Tinder! Super addictive and fun. I use tinder boost sometimes since the basic version of the app is free, it's worth paying a little to get things moving faster. Best online dating app out there as far as im concerned. Just be ready to spend even more of your life looking at your cell phone screen!!!

  • 2017-03-23 04:55:49, Dave (Man, 51)

    Tinder Review


    Seems everyone is using this and you can see why. Mobile technology is so amazing these days so it makes sense to use an app that makes the most of it by showing you people who are in your area and letting you swipe right or left depending on what you think of them. I've met a few women so far from it and wouldnt hesitate to have serious relationship with someone I meet here if I liked them enough. It's free so why not add it to the ways you can meet people, that's how I see it anyway. Dave, 30, Essex

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